Sunday, October 2, 2011

General Conference.

I love Conference Weekend. The talks and testimonies that are born are so spiritually uplifting. All of the talks were great. Listed are a few of the key points from several talks that I love.

-Focus on Christ, not of the things of the world. Seek first to build up the world (kingdom of God.)
-It is never to hard or too late to repent and correct your life.
-Study ponder and converse with God daily.
-Don't just say your prayers, live them.
-The Lord has a hand in ALL things.
-The gospel gives meaning, purpose and hope in our lives.
-Lose yourselves in doing unselfish service for others.
-Prayer is one of the most precious gifts given to man.
-I am the light and life of the world. His resurrection assures us that we can be forgiven and live forever.

Isn't our Gospel beautiful? I was extra emotional this conference, more than ever. The spirit was so strong, I couldn't resist. I am always learning something new about our church. I still have a lot to learn and love it. Andy is so patient and always explains my *silly* questions. He's a keeper.

Have a beautiful week!

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