Saturday, February 19, 2011

Lazy Day

Today Andy and I had intentions to go out and use a cool app on our I phones. Its an Amazon app that allows you to scan bar codes of anything and compare the price of the item to their site. We looked outside and the bad weather did it for us. Its raining. Blah. So instead, we have been having a Harry Potter marathon. Andy got me all the Potter movies in a set for my birthday.

One of my absolute favorite things is snuggling up to my sweets and our two adorable pups. I don't know what I would do without them. Andy and I have been looking for apartments to move to (contract ends in May), but our options are pretty limited. There aren't a lot of dog friendly places to live. They are better behaved than children! If only they knew how adorable and precious our two fluff balls were. Oh well, prayers and luck will hopefully be on our side!

Last week my mom called telling me that all of the cancer in her neck wasn't removed. The doc got all that he could see and removed her lymph nodes but a week or so later was greeted with the news that she still had more cancer deeper in her neck. My poor sweet mother. It's been heartbreaking to feel of her pain, but on the other hand has made our family so much closer. My faith has grown and I know that the Lord answers prayers. She has to undergo surgery again next Friday. I hope all goes well and that she knows that I pray for her everyday.

1 comment:

  1. Can you guys renew your contract. It will be sad not living close anymore.
